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Turbine flowmeter


  • Intelligent single display turbine flowmeter
  • Intelligent dual display turbine flowmeter
  • Internet of things single display turbine flowmeter
  • Internet of things dual display turbine flowmeter
  • Mechanical turbine flowmeter
  • IC card turbine flowmeter

Specification and model

  • STLW-50

  • STLW-80

  • STLW-100

  • STLW-150

  • STLW-200

  • STLW-250

  • STLW-300


Stlw series intelligent gas turbine flowmeter is a kind of precision measuring instrument for gas flow measurement. This product is developed by our company with the introduction of advanced technology at home and abroad and our own products. It has the characteristics of small pressure loss, high accuracy, low starting flow, good anti vibration and anti pulsating flow performance, wide range ratio and so on.
Stlw series gas turbine flowmeter can be widely used in petroleum, chemical, electric power, industrial boilers and other gas metering and gas pressure regulating station, natural gas transmission and distribution network, urban natural gas metering and other fields.



心怀感恩 携梦启航——信东股份2020年度工作会议圆满结束

年度工作会议现场 立春时节,一年初始。东风送暖,万物复苏。2020年2月3日,伴随着春日的号角,信东迎来了公司2020年度工作会议。会议由李金潮总经理主持,主管以上领导干部和先进代表出席。 会上,首先由各部门负责人用相关数据量化、直观地总结了...



张涛主席(右二)与公司总经理李金潮(左二)等在办公楼大厅合影张涛主席参观信东产品展厅 1月16日上午,国家流量仪表评价计量测试联盟主席张涛教授莅临信东考察调研。公司总经理李金潮、技术中心副主任侯建伟等领导接待。 调研期间,张涛主席参观了信东产品展厅...
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    • 地址:No.58, Gangao South Road, Zhangjiagang Free Trade Zone, Jiangsu Province
    • 邮编:215634
    • 电话:400-928-0582
    • 传真:400-928-0582
    • 邮箱:center@sinoto.com.cn
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